Chamber of Commerce
Connect your workforce with businesses, promote your region and gain actionable data for policymakers.
As the voice of business, Chambers are the engine for economic strategy, policy consensus and growth. Workbay’s suite of tools provides a network of support across your region, driving analytic reports to your decision makers and supporting regional investments.
“To our knowledge, there is not another company that we know of, who is able to deliver high quality and customized technological services that seamlessly integrate into our region.”
How does Workbay Help?
Increase your branded presence and engage with workforce goals. Build a network of stakeholders in economic growth for your region on one platform. The system provides a pathway to engagement with school boards and the future talent pipeline as well as non-profits in your region. Workbay can help increase engagement of new recruits to chamber membership through networking opportunities in a hybrid space.
Strengthen Membership
Businesses and Community Organizations, Educators and Training Providers, Policy Makers and Entrepreneurs with Workbay, Chambers support their members to engage with the regional Current and Future Talent Pipeline –promoting their company profiles, career pathways and expertise, engaging with School Districts through virtual field trips, career fairs, online mentoring, STEM workshops with educators and with learners- their future talent pipeline
Data for Decision-makers
Chambers need comprehensive data analytics that cross-reference across demands and skills in the region. Workbay data dashboard supports Chambers to innovate and solve regional challenges, Be a voice for the foundational organizations building your community while also advocating for the emerging and fast-growing new industries growing your economic future.
Economic Development
“Advocate, connect, inform, and fight for business growth and America’s success” - US Chamber of Commerce
Workbay will help strengthen and inform collaboration and integration with Economic Stakeholders. A localized collaborative platform that provides a network between employers, workforce agencies, education and industry to provide pathways to success and cross-jurisdictional reports of results.
Supporting Businesses
Workbay’s platform supports your Chamber’s mandate to advocate, partner, and network, supporting Employers to promote their career pathways and job information customized to local community skills in demand. Support the businesses in your area by helping businesses attract the right candidates, upskill workers and by connecting industry to education to create resilient talent pipelines.
Chamber Case Study
The Problem
Growing local opportunity from local business in Aerospace & Defense, Advanced Manufacturing, and IT, without the talent to match.
Increase education and awareness for youth on local opportunities. Skill-up individuals making under $25.00/hr to fill jobs in booming industries. Attract outside talent to support private-sector demand. Create an integrated system that serves and connects all stakeholders.
Launch of integrated system, with full alignment to CTE curriculum. Marketed system gaining 7000+ monthly traffic to promoted positions and aligned education opportunities. Increased chamber relevance and membership with younger audiences and new community members. Led to 7-figure private sector investment to the Chamber Foundation in support of the continued work, due to successful outcomes.