Correctional Facilities
Connecting Skills Earned in Judicial Settings to Success at ReEntry
Workbay is customized and personalized with smart recommendations appropriate to each candidates’ location and skills. Workbay connects candidates with playlists of learning that provide an “Invitation to Interview” on ReEntry. Workbay Integrates with other online Educational Systems and incorporates third party Learning Result and Credentials.
“The ability to succeed after incarceration is the same as if you never get incarcerated. You have to do the groundwork… So if you’re incarcerated, start preparing for your release.”
How does Workbay Help?
Workbay for Corrections Tablets and the ReEntry civilian-side platform is customized, localized with visibility to jobs, wages, and personalized with smart recommendations appropriate to each candidates’ location and skills. Workbay connects candidates with the right training and best job posts to optimize success.
The Skills to Succeed
Smart recommendations of the skills they need to succeed. Playlists of Learning Provide an Invitation to Interview on reEntry. Integration with Corrections Educational Systems and third party learning results and credentials.
Workbay Learning Integrates with ReEntry Support organizations and workforce boards. Modular Education and Training integrates with Local Job Information. Contextualized Learning and Career Exploration inform Personalized Recommendations.All content learning content is developed with Employer Advisory teams.
Better Collaboration and Connection
Connecting the dots between agencies, community resources, workforce boards, employers and educators to support reentry. We do this through job readiness programs, modular education and training, learning and career exploration built with employers to bring REAL workplace opportunities, delivered directly into the hands of each candidate.
Better Resumes
The system promotes the work readiness of returning candidates with a full "employability effort" portfolio of achievement that integrates their Corrections-based and third party Learning Programs.
Workbay promotes recruitment-ready candidates to their local employers, connecting the bridge from education to employment.
Data Transitions to ReEntry
Candidates' employability efforts can be made available through secure post-release transfer of resume and credentials portfolio.
On ReEntry our connected civilian site activates invitations to interviews, and provides in-app notifications supporting First 100 Days, plus Weekly Livestream events and Links to Workforce, employment and Community Resources
Lewis’ Story
Formally Incarcerated Individual
We have hundreds of stories of success from incarcerated individuals, supporting the system and benefits of education and training they received.
“The lessons I learned in Safety and Workmanship on the app helped me tremendously. It really helped guide me, helped set up my resume. I used my resume to establish a job.”
Lewis is currently working as an Electrician’s Apprentice.