Commercial Business
Helping businesses attract, train, and retain the current and future workforce.
A critical issue for every US business is the annual shortfall of workers. Workbay’s platform ignites a collaborative approach to addressing your region’s most pressing workforce needs by connecting all stakeholders in the shared mission of developing your current and future talent pipeline.
“It’s the difference between our annual increase in labor needs, about 2.5 million workers and the number produced by immigration and demographic forces… 1 — 1.5 million. In other words, we are currently falling short by at least a million workers each year.”
How does Workbay Help?
Your organization’s presence in your community’s life is a critical factor in attraction and retention of current and future talent and increasing brand equity across your region.
Get beyond the job board by showing the awesome career pathways inside your organization. Use video portraits of great jobs, virtual field trips and guest speaker events with school and community organizations, online career fairs, mentoring, and participation in collaborative reports and analytics with regional workforce leadership.
Brand Promotion
Promoting your brand to the workforce in your area is paramount to attracting the talent you need to grow your business. With Workbay, your company can participate with school, college and community virtual field trips, job fairs and volunteer opportunities that celebrate your impact in your region.
Attract the Workforce
We give you the technology infrastructure necessary to activate and engage educational and community partnerships. Your company page promotes your organization’s career pathways and related skills development. Students and Job Seekers can join your network to share resumes and receive notifications of opportunities and events.
Train & Retain
Workbay’s collaborative platform promotes programs to close the technological and digital skills gap and develop in-demand skill sets at the speed of business.
We engage employers at a round-table of community stakeholders in the development of demand-driven training programs and integrated learning pathways, inclusive and freely accessible to all potential workers in your region.
Employer Value Proposition
Giving back to your employees has never been more important. By communicating the experience of working at your organization, you'll attract candidates who are a natural fit and value the benefits they'll receive for their skills and experience. Our system can be utilized to engage your team and train them on business purpose and passion, giving them the opportunity to continuously thrive in their work environment.
Business Case
When Mazda Toyota Manufacturing USC was preparing to open a grand new plant, the growing economy in advanced manufacturing and robotics in the Huntsville Madison County region, raised concerns that demand would exceed supply of local skilled workforce.
They joined with the regional Chamber of Commerce to implement a strategy that would prepare an immediate and future workforce to fulfill their corporate goals.
Utilizing Workbay, the Chamber brought all local stakeholders together. School District, Colleges and Community Organizations and local businesses joined with Mazda Toyota to develop an online curriculum in work-skills readiness and career pathway exploration, virtual field trips and career fairs, guest speaking and more.
The Chamber’s award-winning platform created new workforce partnerships across this forward-looking economy.
In addition, the successful system was utilized when Covid interrupted on-boarding; Mazda Toyota found an additional use for the Chamber-managed Workbay platform to provide outreach and engagement with new hires.